On this page you will find everything you need to organise services at GOBC; whether it is learning new music, seeing what's happening in any particular service, or just staying in touch with the worship ministry!!
If you have any questions (or suggestions for things that could be added to this page) please let me know.
GOBC New Song Spotify Playlist
On this playlist (below) you will find the new songs that we plan on introducing over the next 3 months. Listen to them, practice them, sing them in the shower or on the bus!!
Worship Roster
Follow this link to go to go to this weeks Service Plan on Planning Centre. You should find the service plan complete with song choice/keys, and a rough guide to the flow of the service.
Below you will find a PDF of the roster in more detail. You will find information about the series or themes, a bit more information about the service in general, who is speaking, and the theme song. If you click on the image it will open up the PDF for all three months.

- At the beginning of each service we participate in respecting the people God first chose to tend and care for the land on which our church is built, by reading an Acknowledgement of Country. This is to be done after the service intro video and before our call to worship - Doing it in this order does not in any denigrate God's place in the realm of creation, but rather honours the way He chose to create.
- We do this because we acknowledge that we are a predominantly white, middle class, privileged community at GOBC, and this is but one thing we can do to acknowledge that we know that we sit in a position of unjust power in this world. By doing this we proclaim (and remind ourselves) that we are a part of the dismantling of the social constructs that put us in this position. We proclaim that while we sit in this position of power we do so with humility knowing that this is not the world God intended us to live in, and is not the final hope for His creation.
- If you click on the image below it will open up a PDF to download our resource sheet.

Updated 16th August 2021
Every now and then we will update the protocols the OLT/MLT have decided on regarding Worship/Service Plans and COVID. If you have any questions please let us know:
- For the time being, communion needs to be done in the first half of the service while children are out. Communion is set up in our usual COVID friendly way.
- Masks are to be worn at all times.
- Singing is allowed (for worship purposes). It is encouraged that masks be changed at the end of singing, or at the end of the service if people are going to hang around and socialise. As such, probably only 2-3 songs in a service and have them grouped together where possible, Otherwise it will be like breathing underwater.
- Microphones are not to be shared between people unless sanitised first. We have four handheld - cordless mics. Therefore, no more than four people can be on and share microphones. Exceptions are made for couples (e.g. Gav and Bec can share, Jeff and Sarah can share, Bec and Jeff cannot).
- Church attendees are encouraged to sit in family groups, or with their church small groups, or with those that they regularly have contact with outside of church.
- Musicians/Singers are to space out on stage, or in front of the stage as much as possible.
If I think of anything else I will let you know.